WELCOME Welcome to Toon-a-day Volume 3! This CD represents a compilation of one year's worth of toons from Toon-a-day, (plus 7 freebies that I've added) an internet site dedicated to producing fresh toons daily. If you want to check out Toon-a-day you'll find it at http://www.toon-a-day.com I've also included a clickable link on the CD which in most cases will launch your web browser and take you directly to Toon-a-day. Once again I've included Extensis PortfolioŽ, (formerly known as Fetch) a catalog application which allows you to search for specific cartoons by file name or keyword. As well, you can print out the catalog as a handy reference. I wouldn't suggest printing out the entire catalog since you'll probably get all 5 versions of every toon which might be overkill. Simply do a search of all the tif line art images, for instance, and print them out. Be sure to read the documentation, particularly the QSG (Quick Start Guide) which is included in the Browser folder. It'll get you up and running and outline some of the features in Portfolio. You will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF files. Acrobat Reader has been included on the Cd as well. I sincerely hope you enjoy the CD. If you have any suggestions for improvement for future offerings please let me know either by emailing me at: ron@toon-a-day.com or mailing me the old-fashioned way at: Toon-a-day 187 Sunmills Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2X 2P1 Thanx again. Carpe toonem, Ron